Isaac's First Week

Isaac's birth went flawlessly, mainly thanks to setting up plenty of support ahead of time (though of course we had some good luck too). He was born at 12:58 on April 12, 2002, at the hospital, without medical intervention; we were all home by half past seven. Isaac weighed 8lb 4oz.

The hospital team: Alison, John, Kate...

Alison, Isaac (181KB) Alison, John, Isaac (160KB) Alison, Kate, Isaac (194KB)

...and not forgetting Paul, the midwife!

Alison, John, Paul, Isaac (184KB) Alison, John, Kate, Isaac (184KB)

We managed to take plenty more pictures when we got home, including some featuring our good friend, housemate and "home team" Richard, and plenty more with Isaac's big sister May.

Richard, Isaac (160KB) Alison, May, Isaac (222KB) Kate, Isaac (184KB)

May, Isaac (176KB) Isaac (178KB) John, May, Isaac (174KB)

May, Isaac (228KB) John, May, Isaac (176KB) Alison, May, Isaac (189KB)

Finally, our friends Ade and Stella sent us some champagne by Champie-mail, which we polished off on Friday night in celebration.

Alison, John, Isaac (174KB) May, John (189KB) May, John (160KB)

This page originally found at
Last updated: 16 April 2002

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